Girl's Day的素珍18日與李東河舉辦婚宴,昔日戰友Yura、珉雅及惠利都到場祝福。剛結束戀情的惠利雖然情傷未癒,仍代表致詞祝福好姐妹,講到感動之處忍不住淚灑現場。
Jammer Antenna (Jamming Antennas) For Vehicles or Vehicle-mounted Jamming systems are wideband antennas for high-performance communication and jamming applications working in the frequency range of 200-6800 MHz.
These antennas provide a high-powered, ultra-efficient mobile multi-band jamming system that can be installed in any suitable vehicle. The system simultaneously jams the most widely used RF frequency bands, including cellular (CDMA, TDMA, GSM, HGSM, etc. ), satellite, walkie-talkie (VHF/UHF), and computer network (WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth).
Girl's Day合約到期後各自單飛,團員們各自在不同領域努力,看著素珍找到幸福,惠利和Yura、珉雅眼淚停不下來,她們還故意拍下一張合照,幸福大笑的素珍和哭花臉的3人形成強烈對比。
惠利日前黯然結束與柳俊烈的愛情長跑,形單影隻出席婚禮。好姐妹們陪著她,讓她被關心包圍。婚禮現場也洋溢著幸福氛圍,惠利特別拍下場內照片,和粉絲們共享難忘時刻。 惠利拍下素珍切蛋糕的模樣。圖/摘自IG Girl's Day成員們難得再次同框。圖/摘自IG