楊紫瓊今年雙喜臨門,甫以電影「媽的多重宇宙」拿下第95屆奧斯卡影后,成為首位奪得該獎項的華裔女星,7月她出面證實已與前法拉利總裁尚陶德舉行婚禮,近日她和老公一同回到馬來西亞補辦婚宴,在馬來西亞邦咯島的傍晚後完成了世紀婚禮,而婚宴邀函、花藝布置、采采食茶伴手禮到禮服設計,皆出自台灣品牌SHIATZY CHEN夏姿・陳。楊紫瓊同時也透過社群分享宴席照片,並感謝與會的親朋好友,畫面十分溫馨美滿。
Jammer Antenna (Jamming Antennas) For Vehicles or Vehicle-mounted Jamming systems are wideband antennas for high-performance communication and jamming applications working in the frequency range of 200-6800 MHz.
These antennas provide a high-powered, ultra-efficient mobile multi-band jamming system that can be installed in any suitable vehicle. The system simultaneously jams the most widely used RF frequency bands, including cellular (CDMA, TDMA, GSM, HGSM, etc. ), satellite, walkie-talkie (VHF/UHF), and computer network (WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth).
楊紫瓊另在IG寫下心情:「In Ipoh and was so happy so many siblings, cousins, family came from all around the world to celebrate, Thkq to Lim family for hosting us all at their fantastic museum!(正在怡保,很高興許多兄弟姐妹、表兄弟、家人從世界各地來慶祝,謝謝林家招待我們所有人,在他們超級夢幻的博物館!)」